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Fees, Bursaries and Scholarships

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The School fee from January 2025 is £26,949, which is inclusive of VAT and other applicable taxes. This represents an increase of 10% from the previous term, following the introduction of VAT on independent school fees.

There are some costs which are not covered by fees. These include lunches, uniform, sports and PE kit, external examination entry fees and individual music and LAMDA tuition. Whilst the majority of curricular trips and Field Days are covered by fees, some non-academic trips will need to be paid for. We do all that we can though, to make as many of our trips as possible accessible to all of our students.

While the majority of parents pay full fees, a high number of students are supported by a bursary, a scholarship, or in some cases both:

  • Scholarships
  • Bursaries from the John Whitgift Foundation and Trinity Bursary Fund

Fees will increase by a further 6% in September 2025 due to VAT, along with an inflationary increase which will be confirmed later in the year.

Please see our FAQ’s for further information.

A payment of £2,000 is payable on acceptance of a place. £1,000 of which is a donation to the Trinity Bursary Fund and £1,000 is held as a deposit until your son or daughter leaves the school.

Trinity was the only school to send our son a personal letter on offer of a place . He felt valued from the outset.

New Parent


Scholarships are awarded to students in recognition of their excellence at entry in a given field (namely academic, art, drama, design technology, music and sport). They are awarded irrespective of parental income. Historically, we awarded a number of large scholarships (up to 50%) but we now award a greater number of smaller scholarships to talented students. While up to 50% is still possible, awards will now typically be smaller; a 20% award in 2024 was given to some of our very best candidates. Scholarships come from fee income, and so awarding large numbers of high awards pushes fees up for everyone. Through our current approach, we are able to apportion more of our available funds to supporting our bursary students thus ensuring our community remains as socio-economically diverse as possible, which in turn benefits all students.

Students can apply for up to two scholarships and those applying for a bursary can also apply for scholarships.

Academic scholarships
10+, 11+ and 13+ and Sixth Form

For entry at 10+, 11+ and 13+ and Sixth Form, all students are considered for an Academic Scholarship. Additionally, students may apply for Scholarships in: Music, Sport, Drama, Art and Design Technology.

Find out more about our scholarship assessments for each subject



The John Whitgift Foundation provides the vast majority of our bursary support, amounting to over 10% of our total fee income each year. However, we have more students applying than this fund can support, so Trinity has grown its own dedicated bursary fund (The Trinity Bursary Fund) which increases the number of awards we can make each year. All bursary applications and awards are assessed through The John Whitgift Foundation.

Bursaries are means tested and are awarded on assessment of the financial circumstances of parents. A bursary application must be indicated with your application to the School, and Bursary assessment forms should be completed before the entrance examination is taken.

As the number of applications for bursaries each year exceeds the funds available, bursary assessments will be offered to those families whose children perform exceptionally well in the examination process. However, please note that a bursary assessment does not mean that a place with a bursary will ultimately be awarded.
The Fees Office at the Whitgift Foundation calculates the bursary award for all students.

Additionally, the School can support students in receipt of bursaries with costs relating to trips, uniform, food, transport and exam fees. This support is usually proportionate to the student’s bursary award and is at the discretion of the Headmaster. For further information please email the Headmaster’s PA, Mrs Sharon Wilson.


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